Minulla oli pitkä pellavamekko, jonka halusin käyttää uudelleen, koska malli ei ollut suosikkini. Päätin tehdä napitellun topin. Minun mielessäni projekti näytti yksinkertaiselta, mutta loppujen lopuksi kesti jonkin aikaa. Oli paljon työtä yksityiskohtien kanssa, jotka tein ensimmäistä kertaa esimerkiksi tuppilo ja kangasnapit. Koska kangas oli melko paksu ja jäykkä, tuppilon tekeminen oli todella aikaa vievää, mutta silti miellyttävää työtä. Sovelin samaa tekniikkaa olkahihnoihin, mutta koska se ei ollut vinonauha tällä kertaa, ajattelin, että en koskaan onnistunut näiden kanssa. Onneksi tarinalla oli onnellinen loppu. Olen oppinut paljon tämän näennäisen helpon projektin aikana ja vahvistanut uskoa, että haluan viettää aikaa manuaaliseen viimeistelyyn. Laitoin sen päälle ja se oli juuri mitä aioin tehdä.
I had a long linen dress which I wanted to reuse as the model wasn't my favorite. I decided to make a buttoned top. The project I had in mind seemed simple but ultimately took some time. There was a lot of work with details which I made for the first time e.g. button loops and fabric-covered buttons. As my fabric was quite thick and stiff making button loops was really time-consuming, yet pleasant work. I applied the same technique to shoulder straps but because it wasn't bias tape this time, I thought I would never succeed with these. Luckily the story had a happy end. I learned a lot while this seemingly easy project and reinforced the belief that I like spending time on manual finishing. I put it on and it was exactly what I planned to do.
I had a long linen dress which I wanted to reuse as the model wasn't my favorite. I decided to make a buttoned top. The project I had in mind seemed simple but ultimately took some time. There was a lot of work with details which I made for the first time e.g. button loops and fabric-covered buttons. As my fabric was quite thick and stiff making button loops was really time-consuming, yet pleasant work. I applied the same technique to shoulder straps but because it wasn't bias tape this time, I thought I would never succeed with these. Luckily the story had a happy end. I learned a lot while this seemingly easy project and reinforced the belief that I like spending time on manual finishing. I put it on and it was exactly what I planned to do.